
Jurat: A Comprehensive Guide

More than likely, you have had to get a document notarized at one point or another in your life. A seemingly simple exchange happens where a stranger witnesses you sign some paper and suddenly it is more official. However, did you know there are different types of notarization? Your standard, run-of-the-mill notarization was likely an “acknowledgment”. On the other hand, you may encounter the need to get a “jurat” notarization. So what does that mean? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know (and more) about the curious jurat notarization.

What is a Jurat Notarization?

The principal characteristic of a jurat notarization is the requirement for the client to verbally pronounce an oath. This oath confirms that the information in the document is truthful. The client accepts the penalty of perjury if they knowingly break the oath.

Like a standard notarization, a jurat also includes a notary witnessing the involved parties signing the document in question. However, unlike other types of notarizations, a jurat requires that the signature(s) take place physically in the presence of the notary.

What is Notarization?

Let’s take it back one step before we dive deeper into jurat notarizations. To clarify, a jurat is a specific type of notarization. A notarization is performed by a “notary public” or “notary”. This notary is a representative of the state (typically the secretary of state’s office) that acts as a witness to the signing of important documents. The notary confirms the identities of each signing party and ensures that they understand the document and are choosing willingly to sign.

A notary public is not to be confused with a “notario publico”, which is common in Hispanic cultures. The principal distinction is a notary public is not permitted to give legal advice or act as an attorney. A notario publico, on the other hand, freely acts as a lawyer for his or her clients. This is especially important to note when and if a notary public in America is working with immigrants or documents related to immigration.

When do I need a Jurat Notarization?

There are a number of documents that require notarization, but how do you know if you need a jurat specifically? It may help to understand that a jurat goes by many names. A jurat may also be called a “verification”, “affirmation”, “oath”, or more commonly an “affidavit”. Specific jargon varies based on jurisdiction.

What is an Affidavit?

As defined by the plain language legal dictionary provided by Rocket Lawyer, an affidavit is “a written statement of facts, sworn to and signed by a deponent before a notary public or some other authority having the power to witness an oath.” In other words, an affidavit is a document that requires jurat notarization, specifically. A successfully notarized affidavit will be completed with an official seal (stamp) and notary signature on a jurat notarization certificate.

Affidavits are usually tied to court cases. However, affidavits but can be essential to various other matters as well. For example, an affidavit may be as simple as documenting a change of address. On the other hand, an affidavit can also be a witnesses testimony that is crucial to a big criminal court case.

Elements of an Affidavit

Essential components of an officially notarized affidavit are as follows:

  • Venue
  • Preamble (typically includes the names of the signees and other information)
  • Date of statement
  • The statement itself
  • Signature(s) of all involved parties
  • Jurat Notary Certification (can be short or long form, includes the date of notarization)
  • Signature of the notary presiding
  • Notary seal (which includes your notary’s name, state of certification, and their commission expiration date)

How to Get a Jurat Notarization

Once you know you need to get a jurat notarization, there are a few simple steps to complete with your notary.

  1. Find a reputable notary in your area (more on that later)
  2. Physically sign the document in front of the notary (resist the urge to sign before you get there!)
  3. Present a proper form of identification
  4. The notary will administer an oath (sometimes called an affirmation), and the signer must verbally accept it aloud. Silent gestures of acknowledgment (such as a nod) are not accepted officially.

What is the Jurat Oath?

From the Oath of Office sworn by the President of the United States to the Hippocratic oath sworn by physicians, swearing an oath is clearly not to be taken lightly. Lying under oath is considered perjury and is punishable by law. Before you swear the jurat oath, you likely want to know what it is that you are swearing.

Oath and Affirmation Definitions

There are several renditions of text commonly used by notaries for oaths. The official wording varies mostly based on whether or not you choose an oath or an affirmation. Both are to be taken very seriously and encourage the signer to tell the truth. The difference is who the pledge is being sworn to. An oath is sworn to God. On the other hand, an affirmation is sworn to the client’s own honor without referring to a higher power. In any case, the choice is left up to the person accepting the oath.

Oath and Affirmation Wording

Like most details regarding notarizations, the specific wording of the actual oath or affirmation varies from state to state. However, the general sentiment of the statement is the same. According to the nationalnotary.org’s  guide to notary oaths and affirmations, you can expect to hear something like this:

  • Oath: “Do you solemnly state that the evidence you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
  • Affirmation: “Do you solemnly state, under penalty of perjury, that the evidence that you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”

The person taking the oath will then have to verbally respond with “Yes” or “I do”.

Jurat Oath or Affirmation Best Practices

More than likely, you have seen someone accept an oath in a movie or courtroom tv show. They place their left hand on the bible and raise their right hand, followed by verbal acceptance of the oath. In the case of jurat notarizations, neither the bible or the hand raise is required by law. However, some seasoned notaries encourage the signer to raise their right hand. This simple act is a physical recognition of the seriousness of the oath itself.

Additionally, oaths are non-transferable. That is to say, whoever is signing the document must be the one to accept the oath. If more than one person’s signature is required, each individual person must accept the oath.

Jurat Certificate

Any document needing notarization of any kind requires a notary certificate. Naturally, these documents vary depending on the type of notarization performed. It should come as no surprise that a jurat notarization requires a jurat certificate. This document will confirm that the actions specific to a jurat notarization took place. The words “subscribed and sworn before me” will appear on the jurat certificate. This is a very tactful choice of words. “Sworn” validates that the client took the jurat oath. “Before me” is essential as well, because clients must sign documents physically in front of the notary to be valid.

Often times, these certificates are included in the document, simply awaiting a signature and a stamp. However, a skilled notary should have necessary certificates on hand if need be.

What is a Notary Acknowledgement?

Now that we have fully fleshed out the details of a jurat notarization, let’s discuss notary acknowledgments.

Acknowledgment Definition

A notary acknowledgment is the most common type of notarization performed. An acknowledgment is when a notary confirms the identity of the signer and bears witness to their signature on the document. Moreover, the notary will ensure that the client fully comprehends and is choosing to sign at their own will and not by force. Unlike a jurat, an acknowledgment does not require the client to take an oath. However, a jurat notarization includes all the steps required during an acknowledgment.

Types of Documents Needing Notarization

Now that we know all about different types of notarizations, in what instance would you even need to acquire one? Any document can get notarized if you want. There are literally hundreds of examples. However, there are a few that are among the more commonly notarized documents. Such as:

  • Power of attorney forms
  • Bills of sale
  • Last will and testament
  • Various contracts (often detailing financial deals)
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Separation and divorce papers
  • Affidavits
  • Various permits
  • …and so many more

Bottom line – when in doubt, notarize it! You are more likely to kick yourself for not notarizing something. Especially in the case of business and financial deals!

Where to Find a Notary

So you have a document that needs to be notarized, what now? Where can you find these magical people that can notarize your document? Well, with over 4 million certified notaries nationwide, you shouldn’t have trouble finding someone. A few places you will likely find a notary:

  1. The Bank – Undoubetly, your town likely has a bank or two. If you are an account holder at that particular bank, more than likely you can get documents notarized for free, or for a small fee. Additionally, credit unions and small local banks commonly offer low-cost notarization options (whether or not you hold an account there)
  2. Local Government Offices – Like Town Hall, City Hall, or other various government institutions. Many of these offices have at least one notary on staff and tend to offer their services out to the public as well.
  3. The Library – Your local library doesn’t just offer a world of literature and a quiet place to study. In fact, many public libraries offer low cost or free notary services.
  4. Mail Stores – Such as UPS, tend to offer notarizations for $1 per signature
  5. Your Office – Depending on where you work, there is a chance your employer has a notary on staff.
  6. Mobile Notaries – Better yet, let the notary come to you! Especially common in bigger cities, people can now hire a notary to come straight to them. Note: This service tends to come with a higher price tag to cover travel time for the notary.
  7. And more! – Some AAA offices, universities, real estate offices, hotels, insurance offices, and even some car dealerships offer notarization services.

Please note that times and locations vary widely based on where you live. Be sure to call around to confirm notary availability and pricing.

What to Bring to your Notary Visit

To save yourself valuable time and money, below are some tips for how to prepare for your notarization appointment.

Photo Identification

The cornerstone of any successful notarization is proper proof of identity. Accurate identification helps prevent possible fraud of forgery attempts. Notarizations are often required on documents of great importance. Therefore, increasing the likelihood of attempted fraud.

A valid passport or driver’s license are universally the most accepted forms of photo identification. Other forms of identification may include military or state i.d.’s. Required elements included on identification include:

  • A recent, recognizable photo of you
  • Your signature
  • Issuing authority
  • A physical description (such as eye color, height, etc.)

Keep in mind that each state has different acceptable forms of identification, so be sure to check with your local notary first.

The Document(s)

You must bring the document needing notarization. One would think this goes without saying, but many people forget it. Be sure to bring the document, in full, and unsigned. While a simple acknowledgment does not require you to sign in front of the notary (like a jurat does) it is best to wait to sign until your notary is there to witness it. Resist the urge to sign prematurely! Additionally, you can streamline the appointment by filling out any required fields.

All Involved Parties

Many documents calling for notarization require the signature of more than one person. If that is the case, the ultimate way to save time and money is to have all involved parties attend the same notarization appointments. While it is legal and official to have each party sign and obtain notarization separately, it takes considerably longer to get the document properly passed around.

Notary Fee

While certain offices offer free or low-cost notarization, more than likely you will have to pay a fee for the service. Notaries are, after all, professional representatives of the state. Prices vary widely amongst notaries and locations,  but it is fairly common for a notary to charge per signature.

Notary Stamp

Worry not, this one is provided by the notary! The notary stamp, or seal, is the magic piece of the puzzle that makes a notarization official. The appearance of notary seals varies widely from state to state. From the shape to the icons included, there is no one specific type of notary stamp. However, every stamp includes the same three pieces of information:

  • The Notary’s Name
  • The state of commission (Texas, California, etc)
  • The date their commission expires (most states commission notaries for four year periods at a time. A notary cannot notarize with an expired stamp)

What happens to a notarized document once the notary’s seal expires? As it was signed prior to expiration, the document is still valid.

Notary Fraud: Beware

Notarization is designed to prevent fraud. However, sometimes a notary can accidentally (or intentionally) commit notary fraud. As previously mentioned, there are millions of certified notaries in the United States. Almost anyone can become a notary simply by passing a test and paying a small fee for a certificate. In fact, over 80% of states do not require notaries to take a training course. This leaves several notaries stamping documents willy-nilly, without truly understanding the process. Save yourself the trouble of a lawsuit and read on to find out what to avoid when looking for a notary.

Notary Red Flags

There are a number of notary “no-nos” you can look out for when searching for someone to act as your notary. A notary cannot:

  • Overcharge for services rendered. Most states have a legal limit that notaries can charge per signature. Find your states maximum notary fee here.
  • Notarize signatures not done in person. Some companies have tried to take the hassle out of notarization by offering notarizations online or over the phone. However, legally speaking, a notary must be physically present to make a proper identification and witness the signing.
  • Give legal advice. A notary and an attorney are two very different things. A notary cannot answer legal questions. Additionally, a notary cannot give legal advice regarding any content of the document.
  • Draft or amend the document. Again, notaries are not lawyers. They cannot aid in the drafting or amending of the document requiring notarization. NOTE: Lawyers can, in fact, be certified notaries. However, they cannot notarize a document they had any part of drafting.
  • Notarize a document on their own behalf. A notary cannot notarize their own signature or any document in which they have a personal stake (i.e. their own parent’s last will and testament). A notary can, however, notarize documents for people they know – so long as they carry no personal stake in the matter.

To avoid these issues, be sure to seek out an experienced, highly recommended notary. If you witness any of the above fraudulent acts, be sure to report the notary in question to your local secretary of state’s office.

Notary Jurats: The Bottom Line

The notary is a position that is centuries old. Over time, it is actually one of the few things that have managed to stay the same. Notarizing a document is simple. However, it is vital to protecting everyone involved in the signing of the said document. A notary will confirm each individuals identity and wholehearted willingness to sign the document. In the case of jurat notarizations, the notary will ask the signers to swear an oath confirming that the document is complete and truthful. With millions of notaries in America, one shouldn’t be hard to find. However, be sure to do your research and make sure you are working with an experienced, professional representative of the state. Now, go forth and get those documents notarized!
















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Notary Public

Notary Public: The Definitive Guide

At some point or another, you have likely encountered the need to get a document notarized. You probably found yourself in a post office or a bank where some stranger with a stamp suddenly made your document more official. What makes this person qualified to wield to the power of the notary stamp? Why do you need it in the first place? Worry not, in this article we are going to answer every question you have about the mysterious notary public.

What is a Notary Public?

Simply put, a notary public is a certified professional that bears witness to the signing of important documents. Having a trained, impartial representative present during these signings helps deter fraud and provides legal integrity.

It is the job of a notary public to ensure a person signing a document is indeed who they say they are. In fact, a notary public is there to protect the people that are signing the document. A notary public will ensure every person signing the document at hand is in their right mind, understands the contents of the document, and is, in fact, signing willingly.

A notary public is meant to be a truly unbias third party. Every certified notary public is bound by an oath to act objectively. Therefore, if a notary finds themselves in a professional situation in which they have a personal interest, they must gracefully refer the client to another notary public.

When Do I Need a Notary Public?

Currently, there is no hard and fast list of documents that require notarization. This is in large part due to the fact that every state has different laws and requirements. However, some common documents that require notarization are:

  • Wills
  • Prenuptial agreements and divorce papers
  • Government documents
  • Property deeds and mortgage documents
  • Affidavits
  • Power of attorney transfers
  • Court-appointment paperwork
  • Business contracts
  • Various legal and financial documents

Often times, notarization is not required unless you are told to do so by a bank or lawyer. Sometimes, it is a personal choice based on whether or not you feel the need to be protected. If you are worried about involved parties contesting their signatures, or state of mind upon signing, save yourself some legal trouble later and get your document notarized.

Why is Notarizing a Document Important?

Most documents requiring notarization are dealing with important subject matter. Whether it marks the purchase of your family’s first home or finalizing your will and your children’s future – these documents can often lead to legal disagreements down the road. Having an unbiased third party (i.e. a notary) witness the signing of these documents can, and often has, prevented possible legal battles. A notary ensures that everyone understands and agrees to what they are signing.

Types of Notarizations

Interestingly enough, there is more than one way to notarize a document. In fact, there are three types of notarizations.

  1. Acknowledgments – This is the most common and well-known type of notarization carried out by a notary public. An acknowledgment requires that the notary public confirm the identity of the person that is signing the document in-person. This is typically done with a drivers license or passport. However, means of verification can vary by state. The notary public will then confirm that the signatory understands the document in full, and is signing at their own will. Finally, the notary will sign and stamp the document.
  2. Jurats – A jurat takes an acknowledgment notarization one step further by requiring the client to take an oath. The client must orally acknowledge that the contents of the document are true. Nods of the head or silent gestures of confirmation are not satisfactory. The notary public will inform the signatory that falsifying information is considered perjury and is punishable by law.
  3. Certifications of Copies – This is the least common type of notarization, as it is not acceptable in all states. However, some states allow a notary to confirm that a duplicate of a specific document is, in fact, a word-for-for identical copy.

What is Needed to Notarize a Document?

As with any transaction, there are certain things both parties need to have prepared in order to successfully get a document notarized. Read on to find out how to be prepared for a quick and effective notary appointment.

Form of Identification

First and foremost, the person (or people) expected to sign the document in question must provide legal and accurate identification. A simple photo is not enough. Identification must include a photo, physical description, signature, and issuing authority. As previously mentioned, a drivers license or a passport are the most common and effective forms of identification. If you do not have either of those items, there are other acceptable forms of identification. However, these can vary by state, so save yourself an extra trip by calling your notary to confirm that your form of i.d. is acceptable.

The Document

One might think this goes without saying, but do not forget to bring the document that needs to be signed! To streamline the notarization process, be sure to fill out the document in full before the appointment. However, it is essential that you do not sign/initial any part of the document until the notary is present.

All Parties Involved

Most documents calling for notarization require signatures from more than one person. You can save yourself precious time and money by having all of the required parties present at once for notarization. You can, legally, have the individuals involved get their signatures notarized separately. Unfortunately, this draws out the process and requires multiple notary fees.  So unless you are dealing with a particular unfriendly divorce, save yourself the trouble and make a little party out of your trip to the notary.

Notary Fee

As you may have suspected, most notarizations do come with a price tag. The standard fee is anywhere from $2-$20 per signature. However, several states have legally capped the amount a notary can charge. For example, in California, notary’s can charge a maximum of $10 per signature. However, they can legally charge extra fees for services such as travel if they are a mobile notary (more on that later).

Furthermore, there are exceptions to every rule. For instance, notarizations involving mortgages often have a higher fee. For more information regarding types of fees and who charges what and where visit this article on notary fees.

Notary Stamp

The notary stamp (seal) is a must-have element of any authentic notarization. Not only will the professional notary public be appropriately certified, but they will come bearing the illustrious notary stamp. The stamps vary widely from state to state, but it is universally true that a document is not officially notarized until the notary stamp has been applied.

The stamp itself will be personalized to each specific notary public with their name, state of certification, and date of certification expiration. Visually speaking, seals vary widely in appearance. Some seals are round, some rectangle, some have pictures, others simply detail the appropriate text.

What does the Seal Stand for?

A document stamped with a notary seal ensures that the document was, in fact, signed by the person (or people) whose signatures appear on the document. Furthermore, the seal ensures that all signatory parties signed at their own free will, and with a full understanding of the document as a whole.

Additionally, the seal confirms that the notary public present at the time of signing was a properly certified representative of the state.

Notary Public vs. Notary Signing Agent

Contrary to what you may think, a notary public is not the same thing as a notary signing agent. All notary signing agents are also a certified notary public, but the opposite is not true. A notary public must get an extra certification to be considered a notary signing agent. So what is the difference, really?

Notary Signing Agent

Once a person is certified as a notary public, they can extend their training further to become a notary signing agent. Think back in this article when we discussed pricing of a notarization service – remember how mortgage notarizations often cost more? That is because notarizations dealing with mortgages and loans (of any kind) require more extensive knowledge of the material discussed within the documents involved.

Notary signing agents must understand how the process of financial lending works. This is the primary difference notary signing agents and a notary public. It is not required that a certified notary public understand the documents that they are notarizing. While a notary signing agent needs to understand the loan paperwork involved, they are not legally allowed to translate and/or advise their clients regarding the documents. Which brings us to…

Notary Public vs. Lawyer

It is vital to understand that a notary public is not a lawyer. The same is true of a notary signing agent. Now, that is not to say a lawyer cannot, in fact, be a notary public. It is not uncommon for a lawyer to acquire a notary public certification. However, a notary certification alone does not give a notary public the ability to give legal counsel to their clients. In fact, a notary public is not even allowed to advise their clients on the legal proceedings that may be involved in the documents they are notarizing.

This is an important distinction here in the United States. Most Hispanic countries have Notarios Publicos, which are trained and certified as attorneys and provide legal counsel to their clients. Therefore, if a notary public is working with an immigrant here in the U.S., it is vital they inform their client to seek legal counsel if necessary to understand the documents they are signing.

When do you Need a Lawyer?

On that note, it is important to reiterate that the job of a notary public is to ensure the authenticity of the signatures on a document. An authentic signature not only means authenticating identity but confirming the client understands and is signing at their own free will.

That is to say, if you are getting a document notarized, be sure you have read and fully comprehend every page before visiting a notary public. Legal documents are notorious for being filled with complex legal jargon that is hard to understand without a law degree. Therefore, if you have any questions about the document at hand, consult a lawyer before signing anything.

Where to Find a Notary Public

Now that we fully understand what a notary public is and why we need them, where can you find a certified notary public? Fortunately, it is easier than ever to get documents notarized. Here are a few examples of where you might find a certified notary public:

  • A bank
  • A law firm
  • The post office or various shipping stores
  • Your own office – depending on your company, you more than likely have a notary sitting in your office right now!
  • Your local library
  • Local government agencies
  • Various mobile notary services

Naturally, these options vary based on your location and come with different price tags. Here is some more detailed information regarding some of the above examples.


Arguably the most common place to find a certified notary public is a bank. Better yet, if you are an account holder, some banks even offer complimentary notary services to their clients. Bigger bank chains tend to only offer notary services to their account holders. As you may suspect, this helps minimize their liability against curating possible fraud.

On the other hand, credit unions and smaller banks are more inclined to offer notary services to non-account holders. Typically, the fees are lower than they might be elsewhere.

Local Government Agencies

County clerk’s office and post offices tend to be an easy local spot to find a notary. Better still, these agencies tend to offer more affordable notary services. As always, be sure to call ahead to see if they offer a notary public service and how much it is. Keep in mind, most notary services are priced per signature.

Places you Frequent

Bottom line: when searching for a notary public, start with places that are a part of your daily life already. From grocery stores to post offices, notaries are out there! More often than not, you do not have to go out of your way to find a certified notary public.

Mobile Notary

Better yet, why seek out a notary when they can come to you! In the age of ultimate convenience when you can have almost anything delivered right to your doorstep, why not do the same with a notary public!  This option is becoming more and more common in the workplace, as well as with personal notarizations. Service availability varies depending on your place of residence.

How to Become a Notary Public

If you are looking for a new source of income with flexible hours, you may want to consider becoming a notary yourself! “But, how do I do that?”. Read on to find out!

Steps to Getting a Notary License

While the following steps vary from state to state, the general procedure for becoming a notary is as follows:

  1. Meet your states specific mandatory requirements (18 years or older, no criminal record, etc.)
  2. Submit a completed application
  3. Pay the required application fees (cost varies by state)
  4. Complete a certification course (requirement varies)
  5. Pass the state notary public exam (requirement varies)
  6. Send in background check and fingerprints (requirement varies)
  7. Hooray! You got your commission certificate in the mail!
  8. File your certificate with your state’s notary regulatory (typically the Secretary of State’s office)
  9. Procure your official notary supplies (personalized stamp, certificate, log for notarizations)

Let’s dive into a few of those topics in a little more detail, shall we?

Notary Training

Interestingly enough, less than a dozen states require mandatory training to become a notary public. Florida, Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Nevada, California, Pennsylvania, Oregan, and North Carolina are the nine states that require notary training. However, many other states encourage future notaries to invest in training. Notary courses are available online or in person. On average, training costs less than $200 and takes between 3-6 hours.

The Notary Exam

As with notary training, not all states require you take and pass a notary text to become certified. States that require a passing test score are Connecticut, Colorado, Hawaii, New York, Nebraska, Montana, Lousiana, California, North Carolina, Utah, Oregan, and Maine. Strangely enough, several of the aforementioned states do not require training but require a passing exam score.

Notary Bonds and Insurance

It should come as no surprise that insurance is a good idea if you are thinking about becoming a notary. Considering a notaries role involving documents of great importance, it is a good idea to have coverage in case of a misstep.

Most states require notaries have surety bonds to protect the consumer. While not required by the state, it is wise to invest in errors and omissions insurance as a notary. State notary laws are designed to protect the public, not the notary public.

How to Prevent Notary Claims

Speaking of insurance… while it is great to have, let’s discuss how to prevent the need to use it in the first place. Some tips to prevent notary claims:

  • Never notarize documents with black spaces
  • Only notarize documents in which the signer is present
  • Follow the appropriate steps to ensure the signer is who they say they are
  • Be impartial, and do not advise – remember – notaries cannot act as an attorney
  • Keep a thorough journey of all completed notarizations
  • A foundational element of notarization is ensuring all parties are signing under their own free will – never push or pressure a client to sign a document
  •  Your notary seal has your name on it – so you should be the only one to use it
  • Don’t let your certification expire – most states last four years, it is on your stamp so keep an eye on it!

All of the above tips are great but are just the tip of the iceberg. Even if your state does not require training, take a course anyway to make sure you are up-to-date of your state’s notary laws. Doing so could save you from a frightful lawsuit.

Notary Public Income

With over 4 million certified notaries nationwide, supply is definitely outweighing demand. Considering many companies have in-house notaries, it is becoming harder for independent notaries to drum up consistent business. On average, notaries make between $9-21 an hour. Naturally, these numbers vary greatly depending on your location. Some notaries are able to charge certain fees to help increase income. The best example is mobile notaries charge extra for travel.

Furthermore, many people use their notary public certification as the mandatory stepping stone to becoming a notary (loan) signing agent. Income levels are much greater with this certification. Depending on the document(s) involved, notary signing agents can make between $75-$200 per appointment.

Notary Public: A Brief History

As this article comes to a close, we want to leave you with a piece of history. Notaries can be traced back to  Ancient Egypt in 2700 BC. That is over 4,700 years ago! Back then they were called “scribes”, and every important document had to pass through their hands.

However, it was in 535 A.D. in the Roman Empire that the true ancestors of the notaries were born. Due to the fact that literacy was uncommon in this time, those who could read and write often helped others prepare important documents for a fee.

The Notary Public: In Summary

At the end of the day, everyone is going to need the services of a certified notary public at some point or another in their lives. Fortunately, there are more ways to find proper notarization services than ever. From your local bank to the Uber of notaries, you should have no trouble finding a notary public near you. Finally, notary laws vary widely from state to state. So be sure to make sure you are going through the proper legal channels for your specific state.

















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